The will to change
08.11. — 17.12.2020
kuratiert von Alexandra Maria Toth
Ausstellungsdauer: 09. November - 17. Dezember 2020
Finissage: 18. Dezember 2020
In “the will to change”, writer and literary scholar bell hooks
describes the patriarchy’s devastating effect on men and society as
a whole, and how the time is ripe for change.
Many societies in the western world today are facing an on-going
emergence of right-wing extremist politics and the willingness of
non-political – yet organized groups to use violence in order to
express political, personal, economic or religious dissatisfactions.
These problematic developments are heavily initiated and led by men,
a set of human relations based on conflict over collaboration and
the will to dominate.
The term toxic masculinity has been widely used to describe these
patterns of thought and behaviour, even though masculinity per se is
not toxic, but the patriarchal system that teaches men to crave
violence, detachment, sex and hierarchical thinking instead of love,
equality and empathy.
The patriarchy denies men access to their feelings and to emotional
well-being and as long as men are disconnected from their emotions
and trapped in this system, they’ll be deprived of love, both for
themselves and for others.
This exhibition brings together three different male artists, who
have been deeply reflecting on the problematic effects of the
patriarchal system on their own personal life and on male identities
and the many relationships between men in general.
This exhibition is not open to the public during the current
lockdown. We hope to welcome you after the lockdown in December.
For further information please contact:
Curated by Alexandra-Maria Toth